Attachment to IRS Form 1023

Part IV: Narrative Description of Your Activities


The Applicant is a Baptist Church organized as a not-for-profit corporation in the State of Florida. The church is engaged in worship activities and follows the formal code of doctrine and discipline for the Baptist Church.

ACTIVITIES: The specific activities that the Applicant is currently engaged in are as follows:

1.   Worship Services:   The church holds worship services every Sunday. A morning service and an evening service are held. These services are held at the church building located at XXX NW XXXth St., Miami, FL. Services are led by a pastor.

2.   Church School:   The church holds a Sunday Church School every Sunday morning. These classes are taught prior to the Sunday morning worship service on location at the church property and are led by the pastor.

3.   Prayer Meetings:   The church holds prayer meetings weekly. These meetings are held every Tuesday evening, on location at the church property and are led by the pastor.

4.   Bible Classes for the Young:   Bible classes are held every Tuesday after the weekly prayer meeting has ended. These classes are held on location at the church property and are led by the pastor.

5.   Fasting and Prayer Time:   Fasting and Prayer Time is held the second and fourth Friday of every month. This ceremony is led by the pastor on location at the church property.

CONCLUSION:   Applicant’s activities are church activities within the meaning of that term as defined in Section 1.501(c)(3) of the IRS Regulations and I.R.S. P.L.R. 200830028 (Jul. 25, 2008). Specifically, Applicant has “an established congregation served by an ordained ministry,” holds “regular religious services and religious education for they young, and disseminat[es] . . . a doctrinal code.”