Trademark Amendment Filing Instructions

We have previously prepared an digital application to amend your previously registered and approved trademark registration.  We send you the digital application file previously as an email attachment (the digital file has an OBJ extension (the "OBJ File")

Step-by-Step Filing Instructions
  1. Use a laptop or desktop computer to file the application (not your smart phone).

  2. Save the digital application file to your hard drive.

  3. Create an account (or log-in to an existing account)on the government's trademark website .

    • Go to:

    • Then either:

      • Log into an existing account
      • or
      • create a new account

        • To Create a New Account:   Click "Create a Account" and follow the instructions

          • Identity Verification Process.  You may be asked to go through a one-time-only identity verification process which will take about 15 minutes to complete - follow the instructions - CLICK HERE for a description of the process.   CLICK HERE for a page with more detailed information.

        • Write down and save your password.  You may be required to use it again during the approval process in order to provide additional information

        • Then log-in

  4. Doing that will take you to a page labeled "Section 7 Request"

    • Click the button at the bottom for "Choose File" then navigate to the directory on you computer where you stored the OBJ File and select it with your mouse.

  5. Click "Continue" on the bottom to go to the second page.

  6. Then, click "Continue" on the bottom of that page and EACH of the following pages until you get to a page that has subsections labeled "Fee Information", "Declaration Signature" and Request signature"

  7. Follow the instructions to "sign" in the two places indicated (example: /John Doe/)

    • be sure to click the button indicating you are the "owner" and not an "attorney"
    • enter the "date"

  8. Click "Validate" at the bottom to go to the page.

    • Doing the above will take you to the final page.  Enter your email address in the space indicated, then, if ready to pay, click "pay/submit".  Enter your credit card information as instructed.  Once submitted, a filing receipt email will be emailed to you